Even though not popping your pimples is the best skin care solution, sometimes our impulses get in the way. Fighting off infection and scarring will be a problem after popping pimples, but in taking the proper preventative precautions, you can definitely reduce the infection from getting worse. Below are a few quick remedies and a solution recommended by dermatologists to aid healing of the popped pimple.
1. Clean the area with a cleanser or antibacterial solution. If it's bleeding, keep a warm compress on it to stop the bleeding.
2.The most important thing to prevent scarring is to not pick the area further.
3. Dermatologists have a trick for healing popped pimples overnight: Hydrocolloid dressings. Dermatologists use these to help heal biopsy sites, surgical wounds, and ulcers. When applied to the site of a popped pimple, they absorb pus and oil from acne blemishes, removing the stuff that causes the popped pimple to look so bad.
How does a hydrocolloid in Cover Dot work?
After you pop a pimple, a dry scab forms over the pimple. This makes it hard for healing to begin - the scab stops exudate (aka gunk, oil, pus) from leaving the pimple. Hydrocolloid in the Cover-Dot promotes healing by creating a moist environment and drawing exudate out of the inflamed area. Hydrocolloid creates an ideal moist environment for the pimple to heal by lowering the pH level and creating an environment that prevent bacterial growth. The self-adhering patch also prevents bacteria from entering and prevents the urge to irritate the pimple further.
These dressings typically have an adhesive inner layer which creates a moist environment and a breathable outer layer which protects the area from dirt and bacterial contamination. Unlike other acne patches, Cover Dot has tapered edges to ensure that the dot stays in place and is protected from external contamination.